Monday, September 12, 2011

Change of Plans

Ok for those of you waiting for shop updates, I am so sorry. My camera broke last month, and the thought of using the DSLR scares the begezus out of me. I promise to play around with it soon though, because I have some new necklaces I really want to get in the shop.

In the meantime I can't believe we are already into the third week of school! My little one has been having some anxiety about lunch at school lately. She really has so much less time to eat with the school schedule. It actually had her in tears one day last week. Which broke my heart. As I mentioned before to try to combat this I've decided to pack her smaller Bentos. The fist full week I sent some of these.

The red bento is my little ones...

I though for sure the bear would go well, he's just a mini bagel with Nutella

I was getting full Bentos back at the end of the day. One day all she ate was a plum! I'm trying to chalk it up to her just needing to adjust to all the business of the day. I hope once the new routine is settled she be able to enjoy her lunches more. My oldest is eating every bite and asking me to pack more!

Here's today's "smaller" Bento. There are mini flower sandwiches, grapes, a Babybel ladybug, some clementine wedges, and a few slices of swiss rolls. For my oldes I added some mini Poptarts too fill up the larger Bento. Here's hoping for empty boxes coming home!


belinda said...

I do hope lunch gets better for her. It is a adjustment going from non time eating to a 30 min time. My oldest use to spend his time talking and not eating. But of course he knows if you do not eat its a long time till after school. I think you are doing great with the lunches

Keeley McGuire said...

cute! love the ladybugs. I just got my Little Miss a new lady bug bento box. Thanks for sharing!

Diana of Diana Rambles said...

Love the bugs!